Our Curriculum at Frome College
Curriculum statement
We continually review our curriculum offer. Our year 9 students benefit from the blend of a disciplined approach to completing key stage three work as well as having the opportunity to study a novel subject from our ‘World Beyond Frome’ option block.
This approach will ensure any gaps in learning will be firmly filled and students will experience all subjects taught by specialists with specialist resources and accommodation. The outcome of this approach means students feel more informed about their subject choices, transition will be even smoother and our priority of driving up EBacc intake, especially for languages, can be met.
Our ‘Grow it Cook It’ pathway is a particular success at College. This curriculum supports students who benefit from developing both study skill and social confidence strategies. The creative combination of practical, horticulture and culinary skills support literacy and numeracy development very well. Our Grow it Cook it work in the local community has been much celebrated with the winning of local awards and participation in an open garden scheme. Students then successfully progress onto a vocational award in Hospitality which further boosts students’ presentation and confidence skills. The majority of students progress onto our World of Work post 16 programme.
Personal, Social and Health education is delivered by small specialist team of teachers and is delivered through formal timetabled lessons. Assemblies, tutor times and drop-down events allow to explore key issues in more detail- digital literacy and safety being a focus for this academic year.
We have 30 minutes tutor time every morning, thus supporting our targets with attendance, literacy and PSHE.
Key Stage four begins in year 10 with the start of a further three options, taken from a menu of currently 26 on offer. Some of our students will choose to follow a triple Science pathway, others a double. Some will pursue Further Maths in addition to core and everyone will take both English literature and English GCSE. Information Technology is delivered across our Key Stage four curriculum.
We are proud that the majority of our students continue onto Key Stage five at College; the transition is smooth and outcomes for our students are excellent. We currently offer a full 36 options post 16: the traditional pathway of three or four A levels, a blended timetable of BTEC, vocational and A levels and our World of Work course with embedded work experience matched with level two resits. After a review of local need, plans to deliver our first T level, in early years education are underway.
In order to give our students a chance to immerse themselves in an interest or discover a talent, we offer an extensive range of extra-curricular activities. Our offer includes trips and visits, STEM clubs, Duke of Edinburgh, sports clubs, musical events, drama, dance and many more. Please look around our website to get a flavour of what we have to offer.
We are proud to offer a complete and generous education for all- challenging our more able, supporting our SEND students, removing obstacles facing our more disadvantaged students and providing all with a firm foundation for future success.
Year 9 – Transitioning to GCSE
Students select one GCSE options in Year 8 before joining the College in Year 9. During Year 9 students consolidate their KS3 learning while transitioning into the KS4 option subjects. We ensure any gaps in learning are closed and students work on the skills and knowledge areas to ensure they build the breadth of understanding needed for success at GCSE. This process also allows us to maintain 4 GCSE options for all students when many schools have reduced to only 3, thus supporting high numbers of students in many of the arts subjects; something that resonates with the local community, tapping into part of the DNA of the town of Frome.
Year 10 and 11 – GCSE success
Transition to GCSEs during Year 9 affords subjects the time to go beyond the syllabus to build a deep understanding and enjoyment of the GCSE option subjects students select. All our Key Stage 4 options have a clear route to higher study within the Sixth Form curriculum and the majority of students stay on to develop both academically and personally in our Post 16 Centre Frome Futures.
Post 16- bridging into higher education, employment or training
Post 16 students are able to choose from a range of over 30 subjects; continuing with our commitment to offer a broad curriculum. Some students may follow a traditional A level pathway; whether that be three or four qualifications. Others will follow a blend of vocational and A level subjects whilst some may pursue our World of Work pathway- a combination of work experience and on site learning.
Our curriculum aims to:
Provide a broad and balanced education for all students
Enable students to develop knowledge, understand concepts and acquire skills, and be able to choose and apply these in relevant situations
Support students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
Support students’ physical development and responsibility for their own health, and enable them to be active
Promote a positive attitude towards learning
Ensure equal access to learning, with high expectations for every student and appropriate levels of challenge and support
Provide subject choices that support students’ learning and progression, and enable them to work towards achieving their goals
Develop students’ independent learning skills and resilience, to equip them for further/higher education and employment
Equality and the Curriculum
We keep each curriculum subject or area under review in order to ensure that teaching and learning reflect the nine principles set out in our Equality Policy (found here) which are:
Principle 1: All learners, parents/carers, governors and staff are of equal value
Principle 2: We recognise and respect difference
Principle 3: We foster positive attitudes and relationships, and a shared sense of cohesion and belonging
Principle 4: We observe good equalities practice in staff recruitment, retention and development
Principle 5: We aim to reduce and remove inequalities and barriers that already exist
Principle 6: We consult and involve widely
Principle 7: Society as a whole should benefit
Principle 8: We base our practices on sound evidence and openness about the issues that face us
Principle 9: We formulate and publish specific and measurable objectives.
For more information on our curriculum, please contact Mr John Robson
SEND access to the Curriculum
All students are encouraged to be fully integrated into every aspect of college life as possible, both academically and socially.
Teachers will respond to student’s special educational needs by using a range of strategies. Lessons will have clear learning objectives; work will be differentiated appropriately and assessment used to inform the next stage of learning.
Extra support for students in classes is provided, where necessary, by a member of the Learning Support team. On occasions, a student may be withdrawn from a lesson so that they can receive more intensive support from a member of the team or visiting specialist. This takes place in the Learning Support classrooms and may be one to one or part of a group. The college is aware of the sensitivities of this strategy for a student and will always explain to the student the reason for any withdrawal from lessons. Parents/Carers will be informed.
Further information about SEND can be found here.
Remote Education: Information for parents here
Course Guides
Options Guide for current Year 8s going into Year 9 in September 2025
Options Guide 2024 - 27 (current Year 9s)
Year 10 Making Your Option Choices
Options Guide 2023 - 26 (current Year 10s)
Options Guide 2022-25 (current Year 11s)