Governing Body

Governor access


Clerk to Governors: Kerry Jones,

Welcome from the Chair of Governors, Gayle Willmott

School governing bodies are responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality education. Together with the Principal, who is responsible for day-to-day management, they set the school's aims and policies.

At Frome College, governors, staff and parents work together to inspire, challenge and empower every student on their personal learning journey, with our core values of honesty, integrity, mutual respect and trust underpinning everything that we do.

Governors are appointed to ensure that objectives are met and that future planning is both visionary and realistic. We provide strategic direction for the improvement of the College, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the College, hold the College  to account for the standards achieved and the quality of education. We are here to support and encourage our Principal, Senior Leadership Team and all College  personnel to ensure that every one of our students achieves their full potential.

The Governing Body is involved with the College at every level. This includes policies, finance, safeguarding, SEN, careers, 6th Form, data, behavior/attendance, premises management and senior staff appointments. As Governors, we consider our most important role to be the education, safety and wellbeing of our students.  We aim to ensure that governors carry out their role with honesty and integrity and that they help us to ensure our college is an environment where everyone is safe, happy and treated with respect.

What do we do?

Governors have three core functions:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  2. Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.


How are we organised?

The College has a governing body of 15 governors (breakdown on the Instrument of Government available below).

Instrument Of Government

The governors oversee and monitor the development of the College.  The full governing body meets six times per year, in addition, we have a business committee, which meets four times per year.

The Full Governing body covers all areas not covered by the business committee, including Quality of Education, Equal opportunities, Safeguarding and Destinations.

The remit of the Business Committee - To improve the College’s efficiency and to move resources as much as is practical to teaching to learning. To monitor the budget and ensure high standards of financial governance. To develop a medium-term financial strategy. To streamline systems and processes and ensure that the College maximises digital technologies and ways of working

Link Governors - Each governor also holds a link governor role. The role of the link governor is to monitor their specific area a minimum of 3 times per year and to feed back to the FGB any issues or areas for concern.


 Who are we?

Governors are volunteers and represent parents, the local community, staff and the local authority. Some governors are co-opted for their specialist knowledge and skills. You can read their profiles here.


Join our Governing Body

If you are interested in becoming a School Governor, please contact Kerry Jones, Clerk to Governors, Further information is found here.