
GCSE (Grades 9-1)
Course information
Sociology is the study of society: how peoples’ lives are influenced as a result of the different social groups they belong
to. We all belong to social groups because we all have social class, an age group, gender and ethnicity. You will learn
just how powerful these can be in shaping all of our lives - including how well we do at school, the type of job we might
end up having, the opportunities that come our way, our very identity and even how likely it is that we could become
criminals. Why do some people have so much power and wealth while others have none? Is the traditional idea of family
a thing of the past? Why do children at school learn the things they do? What type of person is most likely to commit
crime and why do they do it? These are just a few examples of the kind of questions Sociology asks. It is about your life
and the lives of everyone in society around you.
Topics include:
• Culture and identity
• Education
• Families
• Crime and deviance
• Social inequality
• Research methods (how sociologists find stuff out)
Personal skills and learning styles
Sociology is a social science. It is not about opinion, but about understanding how it actually is, looking at different
theories (ideas) that seek to answer why it is that way, then being able to analyse and weigh-up whether those ideas
make sense. Of course, you get the chance to discuss these ideas and express your views. Sociology is an academic
subject, and you’ll learn plenty of new technical language that will enable you to develop a sociological world-view. It
can be studied at A Level at Frome College and at degree level at top universities, including Oxford and Cambridge.

Where can it lead?
Applied Career
A Level Sociology and an Honours
Degree in Sociology at university.
Partners well with:
• Media
• English
• History
• Law
• Politics
• Media industry
• Journalism
• Law
• Political research
• Police
• Social work
• Aid and charity work
• Marketing
• Teacher / Lecturer
Want to know more?
Mr J Randall, Subject Leader Sociology