BTEC Extended Certificate in Applied Psychology

Exam board: Pearson Edexcel


Year 12

  Topic taught: Teacher 1 Topic taught: Teacher 2
Term 1 Learning aim A. Understand research methods and their importance in psychological inquiry Psychological approaches, assumptions and key concepts – cognitive, social, biological and learning
Term 2 Learning aim A. Understand research methods and their importance in psychological inquiry Psychological approaches, assumptions and key concepts – cognitive, social, biological and learning
Term 3 Learning Aim B: Plan research to investigate psychological questions Application of psychological approaches
Term 4 Learning Aim C: Carry out a pilot study to explore current issues in Psychology Application of psychological approaches
Term 5 Learning Aim D: Review implications of research into psychological inquiry Revision and exam preparation
Term 6 Assignment writing completion Assignment writing completion for Unit 2


Year 13

  Topic taught: Teacher 1 Topic taught: Teacher 2
Term 1 Learning Aim A: Lifestyle choice and health-related behaviour Learning Aim A: Understand modern and historical concepts of psychopathology in society
Term 2 Learning Aim B: Stress, behavioural addiction & physiological addiction Learning Aim A: Understand modern and historical concepts of psychopathology in society
Term 3 Learning Aim B: Stress, behavioural addiction & physiological addiction Learning Aim B: Examine causes, types and characteristics of mental disorders
Term 4 Learning Aim C: Promotion of positive behavioural change Learning Aim C: Explore professional approaches to the treatment of mental disorders
Term 5 Revision and exam preparation Revision and exam preparation for Unit 3. Assignment resubmission if needed.



My son is very happy so far and is responding well to the new and more mature learning environment.