BTEC Extended Certificate in Applied Psychology

Exam board: Pearson Edexcel


Year 12

  Topic taught: Teacher 1 Topic taught: Teacher 2
Term 1 Learning aim A. Understand research methods and their importance in psychological inquiry Psychological approaches, assumptions and key concepts – cognitive, social, biological and learning
Term 2 Learning aim A. Understand research methods and their importance in psychological inquiry Psychological approaches, assumptions and key concepts – cognitive, social, biological and learning
Term 3 Learning Aim B: Plan research to investigate psychological questions Application of psychological approaches
Term 4 Learning Aim C: Carry out a pilot study to explore current issues in Psychology Application of psychological approaches
Term 5 Learning Aim D: Review implications of research into psychological inquiry Revision and exam preparation
Term 6 Assignment writing completion Assignment writing completion for Unit 2


Year 13

  Topic taught: Teacher 1 Topic taught: Teacher 2
Term 1 Learning Aim A: Lifestyle choice and health-related behaviour Learning Aim A: Understand modern and historical concepts of psychopathology in society
Term 2 Learning Aim B: Stress, behavioural addiction & physiological addiction Learning Aim A: Understand modern and historical concepts of psychopathology in society
Term 3 Learning Aim B: Stress, behavioural addiction & physiological addiction Learning Aim B: Examine causes, types and characteristics of mental disorders
Term 4 Learning Aim C: Promotion of positive behavioural change Learning Aim C: Explore professional approaches to the treatment of mental disorders
Term 5 Revision and exam preparation Revision and exam preparation for Unit 3. Assignment resubmission if needed.



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