
Year 12

  Topic taught
Term 1   • Structure and Bonding
  • Intermolecular Forces and Shapes of Molecules
  • Atomic structure
  • Moles
Term 2   • Alkanes
  • Titrations
Term 3   • Alkenes
  • Periodicity
Term 4   • Ideal Gases
  • Energetics
Term 5   • Halogenoalkanes
  • Redox Reactions & Group 7
Term 6   • Alcohols
  • Rates & Equilibrium
  • Equilibrium Constants


Year 13

  Topic taught
Term 1   • Alcohols and their derivatives
  • Equilibrium & Kp
  • Transition Metals
  • Carboxylic Acids
Term 2   • Amines
  • Electrode Potentials
  • Rate Equations
Term 3   • Transition Metals
  • Amino Acids, Proteins & DNA
Term 4   • Acids & Bases
  • Aromatic Chemistry
Term 5   • Thermodynamics
  • NMR
  • Organic Synthesis


Teachers know their pupils well and provide individualised help.