Young Students Captivated by Action-Packed Science Session

A group of pupils from Hayesdown First School were treated to an exhilarating science experience when they visited us earlier this week. The young students were guided through a series of lively experiments by the school's year 12 science students.

From visualizing sound waves to witnessing dramatic chemical reactions, the hands-on science activities sparked imagination and engagement. "They were completely engaged and full of excitement about STEM subjects - which was exactly the hope!" said Ms. Bish, our hosting science teacher.

The goal of the science day was to power curiosity and creativity through immersive, experiential learning. Judging by the room full of smiling faces, we can consider it a rousing success. "It was an absolute pleasure to host them," Ms. Bish remarked. "We can't wait for our next action-packed science day!"

We hope to further nurture our community ties while providing an unforgettable learning experience for local pupils. 

My son is very happy so far and is responding well to the new and more mature learning environment.