OFSTED Report 'Good'

From our Principle, Emma Reynolds

"I am writing to share our Ofsted report following the inspection held on 4th and 5th October 2023.

Ofsted shine spotlights on key areas nationally and are currently interested in how all schools deliver the curriculum, how students are supported with their personal development and how schools deal with bullying.

Our judgment in all areas continues to be good; we have many positives highlighted in the inspection report: our wide-ranging curriculum, celebration of reading, accurate support for students with SEND, personal development education and careers. Sixth form expectations are high, with students well supported and well prepared for adult life when they leave College.
We are proud that many students spoke to the inspectors about the support received from staff and the many opportunities available to all year groups. Student leadership is clearly a strength and recognised by Ofsted both in terms of the student leadership team but also our anti bullying ambassadors. I am also delighted to announce that our Head of Performing Arts, Mr Hampson, has won the England, Secondary School category of the Anti-Bullying School Staff Awards. Next week Mr Hampson will attend the national awards ceremony in Parliament, Westminster.

Finally, we take on board the recommendations to work with feeder schools in finer detail to embed an ambitious curriculum for Year 9. We also continue to work towards greater consistency across all students in terms of their attitude and commitment to learning.
Going forward, our Annual Meeting, Parents Evenings, Raising Achievement Evenings, Parents’ Plus Evenings and Hub drop-in sessions provide all parents with an opportunity to hear more about how we support and challenge students. I look forward to seeing Year 13 parents this week at Parents Evening and, as ever, please do not hesitate to contact College with any queries.

May I thank all colleagues, governors and parents who were involved in the inspection and for your on-going support."

Click here to view the OFSTED Report. 

My son is very happy so far and is responding well to the new and more mature learning environment.